In a bustling city, the story of a wealthy tech entrepreneur named Jack was told. He had two sons, Alex and Ryan. The father loved his sons very much, he gave them the best education and was hoping to hand over his successful company to the boys. However, Alex, the younger son, had always felt stifled by his father’s expectations and the pressures of family business. He yearned for freedom and adventure. So, one day, Alex approached his father and demanded his share of the company’s assets. Jack, though disappointed, reluctantly agreed, hoping his son would learn from his experiences.
As soon as Alex got the money he moved to a trendy neighborhood in Los Angeles, where he squandered his wealth on lavish parties, luxury cars, and failed startup ventures. He surrounded himself with fair-weather friends who only hung out with him for his money. Meanwhile, Ryan, the older son, stayed with their father, working diligently and building a reputation as a responsible and innovative leader. As time passed, Alex’s fortune dwindled, and his friends disappeared. Soon, He found himself alone, struggling to make ends meet, and working multiple menial jobs just to survive. He became a food delivery guy, often going hungry just to make the rent.
One day, as Alex was contemplating his miserable existence, he remembered his home, the warmth and love he had taken for granted and his father’s words as he drove off: “You can always come home.” With a mix of shame and hope, Alex packed his bags and headed back to his hometown.
As he approached home, Jack could see his son from the distance, looking through the balcony of his mansion. As soon as Jack saw his son appear at the end of the boulevard, worn out and humbled, he was overjoyed. He welcomed Alex with open arms, tears of happiness streaming down his face. Jack threw a grand party to celebrate his son’s return, complete with a catered feast, a live band, and a guest list of friends and family.
Ryan, however, felt resentful and hurt. He had stayed loyal and worked hard, yet his brother received a hero’s welcome after squandering his inheritance. Jack sensed his eldest son’s frustration and took him aside. “Ryan, my son,” he said, “your brother was lost, but now he’s found. He’s learned from his mistakes and has come home to start anew. His return is a celebration of redemption and second chances. You, my faithful son, have always been here, and your dedication will never go unrewarded.”
The is the story of the prodigal son Luke 15:11-32. It illustrates how God loves us and longs for mankind to return to him. Although mankind has wandered of away from Him and have lost fellowship, God earnestly desires that we return to him. No matter how far away or for how long you have wandered from God, the moment you desire to return God is waiting for you with open arms.
If you sense a need to return to the love of your heavenly Father, please pray this pray and click on the link to learn how to develop a renewed relationship with you Father in heaven
“Lord, I see a need for you in my life, I recognize that I cannot live my life without you. I recognize my disobedience and repent today. I believe Jesus died for me on the cross to call me back to you. Father, I return to you today, please show me your way I am willing to follow your will for me. Thank you for answering my pray because I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen”
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